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Dział Section 12 — PROSZĘ KLIKNĄĆ NA TYTUŁ / FOTOGRAFIĘ/SKAN DANEGO EKSPONATU - KLIKNIĘCIE PODWÓJNE DA POWIĘKSZENIE ZNACZNE — Pomoc w poszukiwaniach Genealogii Historii Rodzin - Fotografie, Dokumenty, Wspomnienia... - pamiątki oznaczone PGF = Poland Genealogy Forum przesłane do www.narodowa.pl


Zgłaszający Eksponat:
Helen Julson
podziel się z innymi:

—– Original Message —–
From: StarBrite13
To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 7:20 PM
Subject: family documents

Thank you for all your help and your assistance. I really appreciate you sharing this information for the other Poland forum members to see.

I have several scans, and I saved them in JPG format. If you need them in a different format or there is any other image manipulation needed, please just let me know.

Aside from my great-aunt’s naturalization papers, there are three other scans. Two are from a post card and one is a foreign money order. I am not sure what the post card says, but I thought the addresses on the post card and the money order might help, so I am including them as well.

Both my great-aunt and her husband have long since passed away, so I am not concerned with sharing their information with the public.

Since the image files are large in size, I will send the images separately. I hope this is okay.

I can’t thank you enough… J

—– Original Message —–
From: Helen Julson
To: norodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 8:30 PM
Subject: More Bienkoski Images…

Here are the additional scans. I did one of the whole post card front, then one of just the address section, enlarged for easier viewing but not as large a file so it wouldn’t take so long for people to download and view the image.

I also went ahead and scanned the back of the post card that I believe is a prayer written in Polish. The writing is all over the back of the card, and it goes in multiple directions. I am not sure if anyone will be able to make heads or tails out of it. I didn’t want to scan it in too large a resolution, again so it wouldn’t take people so long to download. If anyone thinks it holds vital clues, I would be more than happy to make a higher resolution scan and e-mail it directly so that I don’t slow down the loading of the PGF site.

As always, thanks again for everything. Looking forward to hearing people’s thoughts…


P.S. Images will come in 3 messages

—– Original Message —–
To: narodowa@narodowa.pl
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 7:51 AM
Subject: search

Helen Julsen
– welkome Helen!
Me reside Pultusk – what mean photograph Pultusk.
Whether search there family – greet
Teresa Lisowska-Wisniewska


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